All content on the website remains the copyright of Hidden Commemoration and the Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group. Where content is submitted the information and images remain the intellectual property of the rights holder and are used as part of the project with there permission. Submission of data, information and images legally entitles Hidden Commemoration and the Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group to use that information on the website and in any forthcoming events to either publicise the project or for the interest of the general public.
Please ensure that you are the rights holder of any information uploaded or donated to the project or that you have the permission of the rights holder to do so. Uploading or sending data to the project indicates you are either the rights holder or have sought permission to use the data. Hidden Commemoration and the Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group will accept no responsibility for any data or images that are given to the project by an individual or organisation should any permission have not been obtained.
Hidden Commemoration and the Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group reserve the right to refuse any content that is not relevant or inappropriate for use in the project.